"zarah..apsal ko blanja iza n zati je?? aku, kz n faruq cmne????? xnak dtg umah aku yg bsepah ni ke??"
Iffah's recent comment from my post has caused us to stop by Iffah's house at Permatang Pauh. An hour drive from our hotel. It was raining and we just stopped by Parkson to buy Faruq some presents and also wedding presents for Nonie. (Sori yer... takde hadiah utk mak ayah Faruq. ) =p
Akhirnya.. kami sampai jugak rumah Iffah yang tak bersepah pon itu.. hehe

Iffah & KZ. (KZ is seen in the orange t-shirt above)
Pn Iffah's picture couldn't be posted here because she didn't wear her 'tudung' (nak elak aku post gmbr dia yg cun la tu.. huhu) and I think her handsome hubby won't let me. LoL..
Another thing, Iffah cooked us spagetti that night! Seronok dapat makan masakan Iffah nih.. hehe..
Tp alahai... Mase wedding kitorang tak sempat nak jumpa plak... sbb Iffah & famili dtg lewat sedikit dari kami.. Takpe2... seb baik dah jumpa malam sblm nya kan, iffah, kan???
putih melepak si faruq...
besar kang, melekat aweks2...
haha... nih sbb faruq ikut rupa mak dier yg jugak putih melepak.. hmm... mcm aku jugak sbnrnya..ekeke.. (promote diri plak daa)
hehehe! I think it takes a lot of waiting..Can you help me about my girlfriend? I mean for this time, can we be friends?
Thank you for your comments, great motivation for me. :)
hhe gebunye!!! macam potato
ahaha..xsmpt nk jumpa ler..nice to see u girls again =D
huihhhh.. cam best ja kalo cubit2 pipi dia...
aah putih melepak la faruq ni. comel comel. eee i really like to see babies picture tau.
hensem si faruq tu..
adehh! apasal aku tak terpikir nak komen cam pn iffah kat n3 ko yg lepas ek. kalu tak tentu ko dtg umah aku jupe batrisyia & qariena.hehe
putihnye baby.....heheheehe..chomel...:D
to Faisal Admar... ahaha.. potato and gebu?? mcm tak ngam jer..
to Iffah ... marriage life suits u la.. hehe
to theconfused ... sabar2... ko pon akan dpt anak mcm nih nanti... not so far in the future.. hehehe
to Jazlin Ernida... nnt u kawen dgn enPundak, insyaAllah anak2 u seme nyer comel2.. =p
to zino... tahu tak pe.. =p
to Mr PenyuBiru... alala... bukan si aim-a ker yg nak pegi umah ko tu.. tp ko tak bagi kan? kan? so.. malas la nak pegi umah org yg tak sudi nih.. hehe
to aim-a... kalu ghanu dah abis stok lelaki... bak mai kedah...ramai yg ensom2 dn rajin buat keje dapur.. ekekeke...
comel la baby tuh..
sama comel macam penulis komen neh.
dh dpt dah game tu tp lom main lg! tqqqqq
ecece....si ad3ck punyer pujian tuh..ehem..ehem..cam da masud jer...
chomeyyyynyerr.. kannns
i never realized of this entry and sound funny but i think my blog getting crazy.
pelik la aku tulis lam bi..pasni aku nak tulis lam bi la.....ok?
ehehe..ifah masak spageti ke? waa
caya la.. eh faruq tu dah leh jln ke? aku x prasan lak aritu
faruq baru nak tatih..plg jauh pun 10 steps pastu jatuh2 hehe..xsbr nak tgu dia jln, aku xlarat dukung dah huhuhu..
to ad3ck...yola tu... (kejap ensom kejap comel.. mana satu yg betul nih??) hehe
to Masy ... ur welcome!!
to tekelit.nyibun ... die tu sama mcm en penyu... ade mental disorder sbnrnyer...
to en_me ... yups.. mcm aku.. hehe
to The Spiral Eyes ... ok jer.. aku sokong!
to QueenWizza ... iffah dah komen pon... =p
to Iffah ... kesian ko iffah.. patut la kekal slim.. hehehe..
cutenyer gigi 2 batang kat bawah
comelnya! dan aku pun bermimpi
makasih gan infonya dan salam sukses
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