It’s a crash course on Audio and Loudness for broadcasters mainly from TV3, Astro, RTM and some local radio stations. There were 24 participants where 22 of them are males and the other two are females. Hehehe… (So.. I’m working in a male dominant world… got a problem with that?) =p
Did you know that 75% of TV viewers’ complaints worldwide are on the audio quality of the shows/commercials?
You could lose a lot of viewers by simply having audio problems… and ratings will drop like hell! That would be devastating especially to private TV stations.. (gomen takpe… still got tax-payers ma.. errr….yeah right! Seb baik ade pekerja mcm aku kan? Yang rajin lagi prihatin nih! )
The course was organized by Salzbrenner Stagetic Media Academy and conducted by Mr Paul Moerman, a Sound Engineer (..also a national broadcaster) from Belgium. We learnt a lot from this course but I wouldn’t want to bore you guys with the technical details.. =p
So now I’m a ‘sound’ expert!!!
(harap2 boss aku baca entry nih…hahahhahaha)Some shots of the course venue… The bottom, left picture shows Mr. Paul…
We had three break times. Tea break in the morning, lunch and then tea break in the morning…
Perrgghh!!! I felt I was in food heaven when I first stepped into the dining hall… Kenyang..kenyang….I got to eat with the Astro guys on the second day. Chewah… diorg siap bagi tips nih!! Org veteran yg penuh dgn ilmu… (They also include tips extracting important details from a prospective life partner….. errrr…..)
These three guys are from Astro, while the woman (Kak Tini) is from RTM. We were the only two lucky women to be there.. hehehe

When there was a time of sleepiness during the course (errr… aku sentiasa segar jek.. En poyo tu yg asyik mengantuk!!! Huhuhuh.. rupenyer dier tak brape fhm bhs inggeris.. hampehss..) En Poyo and me turned to the ‘writing method’ of communication. Sigh…

Mcm2 kami bincangkan… hahaha… klakar plak! Patut la aku bg dier namer En poyo. (Siap bincang cara2 menguruskan badan plak tu…..ade ker patut dier kate perut dier buncit… huhuhuhuh..)
Lastly.. this is my favorite picture which I’ll call ‘picture of the day’.

Ok.. sekian saje utk entri aku kali ini…
Hehe… join kursus memang BEST!!!
PS- Try guessing the ages of Encik Poyo and Encik Mata Kuyu….
PSS- Gosh!! I miss blogging!!!
dah agak dah..
oh kerja AV yer. Manager AV tempat aku pun pompuan. Yang len bawah dia 100% lelaki
to penyubiru.. ko dah agak aper?? huh?? hehe.. crite skit.. aku tak faham..
to monkey d luffy... apsal manager pompuan ek?? (saje tny nih spy ko puji kaum wanita..)
best le gi kursus...thn dpn mintak2 ade le kursus..hehe..leh mkn tedappp2!hehehe!
dah bleh agak ko akan merindui dunia blogging inehhh..
eheheh.. kali nih aku tanak kem salamlahh... :)
mata kuyu pulakkkkk.... lepas sorang..sorang....
ejen eh?
We had three break times. Tea break in the morning, lunch and then tea break in the morning…
giler aa course sampai skip makan petang & malam. mesti perut en poyo dah tak buncit dah.haha..
ko writing pasal course tu ke or pasal herbalife. sempat lagik carik downline ek?
the other point, setahu aku buat passport kat pejabat imegresen?
jawapan tuk soklan ko tu, maaf,aku tak tau.
ko masuk toilet lelaki ke pompuan? musykil aku.
i miss you too (we can have have curry puff together)
watashi pun windukan ko jardddddddd
err....nick nama yg ko bg kt dua mamat tu mmg kena arrrr
watashi rasa ko paling muda
poyo umur awal 30 an,kuyu lewat 20an
ha'ah mmg ye. audio rtm tuh selalu tak betol. ehehehe
oi sedap je cakap org encik poyo. awak tuh tak poyo la? ;p.
mak aih, apsal ku di tangga ke 9 neh. tak boleh jadi neh huhuhu.
zarah..amik je la en.mate kuyu tu...ensem wat...
p/s: dh 330am aku x tdo lg smate2 dok pk nk bg komen apa..fuhhh..ngmtukss..aku mls nk lyn blog aku...waaaa
waaa! bnyk nyer komen!! ku tak larat nak reply satu-persatu...
to hana.. salah!!
en poyo umur 23 thn..
en mata kuyu 30 thn..
aku pon mule2 ingat mcm ko..hehe..
err..laa,aku tak komen lagi ke utk entry ni??? HAHAHHA
sorry syg!
aku dah khatam dah blog ko hari tu :p
maklumlah,blog dah femes :)
aku pon naik segan pulak ngeeee!
*mati aku kene rejam ngan ko*
seronok kan kerja mcm ko ni :p
travelling mcm2 tempat hahaha even kat dalam kl ape jenjalan tmpat org kan ngeh2..
sadis aku tgk makanan ko sebab aku mula laparr!!!
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