I was waiting for this day for weeks now. It's kinda weird that I never knew that there's an ATV adventure park just behind National Zoo. And it's just within Kuala Lumpur proximity! Possible around 30 minutes hour drive from my place and thanks to Tourism Selangor for this discovery (gee, I'm such a slowpoke.)
Oh ya, ATV stands for All Terrain Vehicle. =)
So what about TSDayOut? It's a program under Tourism Selangor where photo adventurists get together and shoot their heart on to win prize money worth RM250. I was more enthusiastic on the activities and meeting new people instead of the photography competition. Hehe. We convoyed from a nearby mosque to the park via a very narrow road and evidently had some parking problems. But all is well!
The atendees were equipped with their "shooting" gear. Boy have I felt so tiny! Haha! |
After asking around, I managed to find out that we'll be taking
Package D which means a
2 - 2 1/2 hours off road ride to Bukit Tabur / Dam Ride uphill and downhill to enjoy magnificent view of Kuala Lumpur and Kelang Gate Dam. The package costs RM200 per pax. You could click on the given link above to learn more of the other packages made available.
First thing first is SAFETY.
Clockwise from left - A guide showing how to change gears (forward, neutral, reverse), Jessying all smiles, guide demonstrating how to start the ATV, and attendees (elis, adam, dan, lily, byya) intent in listening. |
Later-on everyone could get on their bikes for a test-drive around the complex.
There were three groups for the ATV ride. I was in the second group. Each group was accompanied by guys in red t-shirts like below to make sure everyone rides out safely. *gulps.
If you got problems with your vehicle, they'd be there to help you. (especially the girls) =) |
The terrain we went through was damn harsh, suicidal at times and dangerous! I bruised my hands by gripping the handles too hard. I was so afraid of falling off my vehicle, haha.
Hint - Going downhill is much more difficult than going uphill. Take my word for it. But the view was AWESOME!!!
Clockwise from left - Riding downhill through rough rocky terrain, muddy terrain, guide waiting for the others to arrive (I was right behind him), waiting turns to go uphill, and up the hill we went! Easy peazy! |
I was a fast learner so the guide confidently put me in front of the group for being fast
and furious! Ececeh.. ececehhhh...
I despised the rocky terrain the most! The ride was bumpy!!! |
Tired, oddly satisfyingly happy, and clothes drenched in a mixture of perspiration and mud, we finally reached the end three hours later. It was cool that the park provides an open Surau with a great view (arghh! no picture!). Hehe.
After that, we headed to Breadties for refreshments and food!!!
Clockwise from left - Alex Lim posing for my camera after much begging, fish chips and fries (yummy!), soup with coke, and the winners for the TsDayOut photography competition (Faris,??,Sabrina -Faris's wife!, Danial, Alex, Adam)! |
Overall, the whole experience was AWESOME! Thankyou Tourism Selangor! Can't wait for the next edition sometime in September!
Ps: I highly recommend reading this blogpost though. Brought tears of laughter to my eyes! LOL!
Related Posts : ATV,
tourism selangor,
boy! i look fierce ehhehehe....
chup! what software you use for collage, lawa!! sukaaa!!!
btw, correction, the insructed ONLY help BYYA! MUAHHAHHAH.....
we had fun, next time ajak fie yah!
@Lily Riani haha. thanks lily! guna photoscape je. senang and user-friendly!
hahahaha.. sian byya!
wahhh best nampak bawa ATV tu... misti mau hati2 kan?
@HenRy LeE haha. sangat!! hey.. u shud join next time. You could easily win urself Rm250! hehehe
Nice! I wish i could join the same programme too in the future!
@Zara~AB hope to see u next time around then! hehe
Fantastic fun! I love riding ATVs, must look into this during my next visit to Malaysia!
Aduh, gambar tu you pun nah letak masuk you punya blog? delete la... malu la...
Great time having fun with you and the rest.... :)
wahh I see me!.. lol.. mmg terbaik event nie.. cuma guide kitorg tu laju sgt.. x bleh nk stop amik gambar along the way
@The Travel Camel thanks for commenting! was wondering when exactly is your next visit? hehehe
@alex-lim awak kan comel! haha. Fun meeting you there. Hope to have more fun in the future!
@Dan Arif guide semua mmg nak laju je. geram jugak kekadang. haha. but it was great fun anyways!
best laa.... Memang teringin betul nak cuba ATV nie....
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