Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2014 Travel Recap - A Year of Total Randomness

Happy belated new year!!!


Just a short recap on my travels in 2014.. I know.. I know... we are already in the middle of January 2015. I just turned a year older on the 6th of January and I pray for many, many adventures for this year!

So let's stop babbling and let me recap. OK? Before my brain grows old and starts forgetting. Huh!
Jard, do you have a bucketlist that you follow for this year?
No I don't... I fly to where-ever the cheap flight tickets bring me to... and these are among the countries that I've been to.. minus the local ones though. Hehe.

Clockwise from upper right - Luang Prabang, St. Petersburg, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Disney World Hong Kong.

January 17 - 22 ---- Myanmar RM108 + 75USD
January 31 - February 2 -- Jogjakarta + Semarang, Indonesia RM80 + 381k rupiah
February 20 - 24 --- Maldives
March 29 - April 6 --- Hong Kong - Shen Zhen - Guangzhou - Macau RM117 + 328 MOP
April 8 - 13 --- Thailand (Bangkok - Udon Thani) - Laos (Vientiane - Luang Prabang) RM164 + 1189 THb
May 10 - 13 --- Padang, Sumatera Barat (My first entrance into Sumatera!! Woohoo!!) RM218
May 23 - 25 --- Medan, Indonesia RM80
June 20 -22 -- Bali, Indonesia RM292
June 26 - July 1 --- Sri Lanka RM401
July 26 - 29 -- Aidilfitri at Sabah
September 26 - October 12 --- Russia + 8 other countries
November 14 - 17 --- Palembang, Indonesia RM111
December 6 - 7 --- Batam, Indonesia
December 12 - 15 -- Jogjakarta, Indonesia RM137
December 25 - 28 --- Solok, Sumatera  RM157

There.... goodbye 2014.. hello 2015!!

Happy traveling peeps!!! :P


AjlaA said... [Reply]

harga tiket ke tuh? wow murah. happy new year and happy birthday tooo

Wak Lat said... [Reply]

Salam. Hee sunguh seronok boleh jalan jalan saja.

Jard The Great said... [Reply]

@ ajlaa.. iyess... hehehe. tak sempat nk bagi cantik entri neh..

@ tiga lalat... wassalam.. cubalah... airasia kan adeeeeeeee!!! :P

Unknown said... [Reply]

Happy belated birthday Jard!!! Insha Allah there will be much more adventures for u this year. Amin!

Jard The Great said... [Reply]

@ bibie karim.. thanks bibie!!! amin doanya!! i pray the same for you!! :)