We checked in at the last destination of My Selangor Story 2011, which would be Holiday Inn Kuala Lumpur Glenamarie. Each room were to accommodate two people and my room-mate for the night was Fie of fie-nuts.com
Oddly enough, throughout the whole trip, I have not a chance to share a conversation with Fie. It was being in the same room with her that bonded us closer than before especially when the topic of cute boys are involved. *wink =)
We had the afternoon completely by ourselves. Free to do whatever we wish before the dinner finale at The Mix. MSS was launched at The Mix during our first day here which could be read here. I know that some of the participants chose to check the swimming pool. Some even took pictures in the pool itself using their loaned Pentax cameras!
Tonight was different than other nights. We all came dressed up, some even glammed up to the occasion! These four bloggers below caught most of the attention.
Glammed up VS batik galore. |
A lot of the Indonesians bloggers wore batik that night to commemorate Batik Day tomorrow. It was my first time hearing such a day. LOL. I wonder what they do to celebrate Batik Day back in Indonesia? I know for a fact that the government has made compulsory that all government servants wear batik EVERY Thursday. But looking at the batik that Indonesians wore was very different from the batik that Malaysians wore. Ahh, the new things I get to learn on this MSS trip!
During dinner, while waiting for our honorary guest, we feasted and chatted the evening away. At a table, I saw some bloggers crowded together to discuss about their
FireFly flights tomorrow morning. The earliest to leave us was at 6:00am.
Ms Lau making sure everyone gets on the plane on time. |
In the meanwhile, at another table I caught these two laughing together and was so absorbed in their discussions that they didn't notice Zaid and I taking pictures of them.
I wonder what they were talking about. Bella seems to enjoy it very much. Lolz. |
It was much, much later that our guest,
Mr Fazlly Razally, Event Manager of Tourism Selangor, arrived at
The Mix and every cameras and eyes were on him.
"I want Selangor to be the most photographed state of Malaysia!" Fazly says. |
With that said, the LIVE band below began to perform. Introducing you ZYNCHRO! They are a band hail from Philippines and they've been performing live at
The Mix everyday from 9:30PM till late. In truth, this is my first time at a pub and also my first time watching a live band, performing at a pub. Usually I watch live performances at an auditorium or during weddings. Haha.
Lesley as the head singer makes his entrance. |
I think most of the girls in the pub kinda got swooned by Lesley's powerful voice. Me included. And to add to that equation, he's pretty cute. *blushes
His sexy female band mates later joined him on stage. |
I guess the guys in the pub enjoyed the performance as well. *g
ives a suspicious look at the guy next to me who happens to watch with a slightly opened mouth at the artists below.
Later on something special happened.
Amelia stole the show, again! |
And to everyone's delight, Amelia sang (for the second time. First time was at
Awana Genting) a song with her rich voice. Everyone become wild the instant she sang. Haha. Including me. I moved from the back towards the front, near the stage, just to join in the jumping and cheering. All the other bloggers were doing the same. A chaotic group that we are!
The night ended with sweet memories. We had to send back our loaned
Pentax cameras to Ms Lau and start packing because tomorrow we'd be checking out and also end
My Selangor Story 2011. *Sedih!
.......to be continued..........
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Related Posts : Holiday Inn Kuala Lumpur Glenmarie,
My Selangor Trip 2011,
The Mix
saat di the mix saya sama kakak cuma bisa nonton bola di kursi belakang hahaha kerana waktu itu saya sudah mengantuk bangat :p
@helga... masa tuh manchester tengah main. haha. tapi 0-0 kan?
Ohhh.. Time ni Feeq tengah mintak nak isi borang jadi my next scandal.. LOL!
Lesly tu sgt cute kan? Heehee!
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